Pichu Pilots to Pikachu Prototypes, I'vr uploaded them!!(Gold and Silver P1; mainly back sprites)

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 Did you ever wonder how some Pokemon used to look? I know how ya'll love these prototypes, so I'm gonna make something FILLED with unused stuff!!! So much, your device might crash(lol, I doubt that)!!!

 I just going to put a few things; and once I fin all the parts, I'll put them all together in a special post!! But anyway, lets get started...

Something strange I want to share is that Pikachu when sent out gives out the sparkles like a shiny Pokemon. It is coded inside Pikachu's code. That would also mean that maybe if it was in this era, it would show the shiny symbol in the bottom left.

There is also an unused transition to when you encounter a wild Pokemon. I don't know why this goes unused, 'cause it looks really cool!!!

PROTO                                         FINAL

Nidorino's back sprite changed for obvious reasons... It's ears look too much like a rabbit; and the there are two sprites in each row.

Ivysaur's back sprite also got quite a change as it just looks cursed. Looks like a Bulbasaur with button(bear) ears, a white underbelly, and leafs coming out from the back of it's flower. Also, it looks like its standing.

Sandshrew's back sprite also changed as it has button ears also. I think many of these 151 mistakes were from factory errors. Also, it's shell looks more like sand, or some sort of tile, or waves. 

I know why this was changed... Obviously, it looks like it's the wing. At first glance, I literally thought the sprite was clipped because it couldn't fit!!!

It is merely IMPOSSIBLE to tell Pidgeot from Pidgeotto. I believe I am spelling their names wrong. Pidgeot is down bellow:

Squirtle's tail looks like a cloud design.