My BIO!! Shiny Moon Braixen Bio!!

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Now, don't be surprised if I change my looks too; I'm trying to make ShinyMB and SB look more ORIGINAL


Her recolor is based off of my favorite colors: Violet and Indigo

Her name is based off of how her color is dark and how much I love the night

Her pink nose was made to make her look cuter

She's a Braixen because that's my 2nd favorite Pokemon.


Name: Shiny Moon Braixen(ShinyMB)

Age: ???

Birthday: August 15th

Powers/Weapons: Lowers/Raises the moon, controls the moon, can merge with the moon, can become the moon, can make constellations.

Likes: ShinySC, ShinySB, Fire, cute things, the cold, night, dark areas.

Dislikes: Hot, very VERY bright lights, wet(is okay with drinking water), day(is neutral with day; but prefers NIGHT over DAY.)

Family: ShinySB(Sister)

Nickname: ShinyMB(Full name: Shiny Moon Braixen)

Fears: Fanfics

Notes: Has long eyelashes, pink nose, stick is darker then normal braixen(charcoal gray or burnt color).

Thanks for viewing!!