Q1. What are the weaknesses of a Fairy type?
C. Ghost
D. Fire
Q2. What IS the World Coronation Series?
Q3. Where does the World Coronation Series final tournament take place?
Q4. What is an Electric type SUPER EFFECTIVE on?
Q5. What is a Normal type SUPER EFFECTIVE on?
A. Fairy
B. Nothing
C. Ghost
D. Poison
Q6. Which type of trainer from each region is in the Masters 8?
B. Champions
C. Elite Four
Q7. Who from the Alola region is in the Masters 8?
A. Ash
B. Elio, Selene
C. Hau
Q8(LAST). What is a Pokemon Battle?
Lets see your rank!
(Any negative number): Obviously, your not a Pokemon Trainer yet.
1-2: Normal Class. You should really brush up on your battling skills.
3-5: Great Class. You may have advanced to the Great Class, but there's more to learn before the Ultra Class!!
6-7: Ultra Class. You're in the Ultra Class!! You are so close to the Master Class!! The battles have become MUCH harder, STAY ON YOUR GUARD!!!
8: Master Class. You're in the Master Class!! You are on your way to become the newest monarch!! Good luck against Leon!!