Wait, so I imported Zamazenta, Alolan Ninetails, my Dusk form Lycanroc, and Umbreon to Pokemon Sword to see what will happen and...
Type: Null and Zacian are AFRAID OF NINETAILS?!?!
I mean, Ninetails did steal the ball AND had it with her the ENTIRE TIME at camp!! But still, Type: Null got REALLY MAD at Zamazenta for stealing the ball when I was playing fetch with Type: Null. Null LITERALY YELLED at Zamazenta!!
Also, Zacian is afraid of Primarina and Zekrom. I mean, I kinda get it with Zekrom... But, it's like, HOW?!?!
And Zacian ISN'T INTERESTED IN Type: Null!! I wonder what happened with Null. I mean, I think I saw Zacian talking to Primarina... Primarina MUST'VE told Zacian Type: Null is annoying!!
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